Celui là, je l'avais repéré il y a six ans déjà...
Napoléon disait qu'un petit croquis "vaut toujours mieux qu'un long discours" et il avait raison.
Pour cette image à vocation de message personnel, j'ai simplement repris ce crayonné de l'ami Dave, que j'aimais bien (le crayonné !). Et dont j'espère vous connaissez les innombrables images. (de Dave, cette fois !)
À voir comme un hommage confraternel envers son travail, évidemment...
L'occasion pour moi de passer une heure à dessiner un peu. Toujours amusant.
Dessin © Stan 2019 - d’après "Discipline and Desire" - Dave Wolfe
5 commentaires:
What a nice surprise, and funny that I found it only a week after you posted it, considering my slapdash method of internet wandering! It's very flattering and intriguing to see your "finish" over my "layout," Stan, thank you very much! Very nice job!
You're absolutely correct, drawing is a lot of fun, and occasionally frustrating, and therapeutic, and satisfying! I'm curious to know your method here; was it pen and ink, or brush, or all digital, or maybe some combination?
I'm enjoying your dialogue, too, if I have translated it correctly! Naturally, everyone has his own preference in this, and a lot of people need a "punishment" aspect, even if only a pretense, but I've always preferred the intimate and playful part of spanking, myself!
Well, dear Dave, it's done digitally on a 24HD Wacom tablet and with "Clip Studio Paint" that I'm using these days. A very nice moment of drawing for me, because I loved the layout, that I discovered six years ago and was happy to "finish it", (I dont remember if you had already done so yourself ? ...) Happy to see that you enjoyed my personal little contribution to your lovely work...
Thanks for the information, mon ami! I've been considering digital drawing for a while now. (Even my granddaughter is doing some, but not-- as far as I know!-- "scene stuff!")
Yes, I had done a couple of finished cartoons from that sketch! I've just put them all, and link back to your blog over on the "WolfieToons" blog!
Feel free to contact me if you want more information, a friend of mine used to help me to begin with too and I consider that as a service from one professional to another ...
Amusant échange de bons procédés !
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