14 avril 2012

Les fesses du fantôme...

 2685 - "Maison hantée..."

On le sait, nos amis allemands Ludwig et Kaelah aiment les images insolites. on avait déjà eu Kaelah nue dans la neige, la voici à présent transformée en fantôme, lors d'une promenade dans la campagne, au hasard des ruines d'une maison abandonnée.

Par la même occasion et quelques images, on vous propose d'imaginer l'histoire qui va avec.

Si le cœur vous en dit...
Image © LRP

4 commentaires:

Kaelah a dit…

Thanks for the link to our little ghost story, Stan/E.! I'm glad you liked it. :-) The stories that our readers have come up with so far are very sweet and creative. Maybe there will be more of them.

Stan/E. a dit…

Maybe some friends here will write the story in french, I'm sure you'll translate... Where was it taken ? (the pictures in the house)

Kaelah a dit…

@ Stan/E.: It would be great to read some stories from your French readers! The photos were taken on a holiday trip (I won't say where exactly ;-) ). Here in Germany, an old house like that would be securely blocked up and full of warning signs. ;-)

Stan/E. a dit…

I guess it was during your last US trip, somewhere in Utah, then...? I saw such houses when I went there many years ago...