12 novembre 2012

Les images de Charline...

    2878 - "Charline aimerait-elle les fessées ?"

Je vous ai déjà dit que je ne goûtais guère les tatouages ? Mais j'aime bien cette photo d'Obscuro et Jolie. Comme quoi...

Charline, la même photographe allemande a également travaillé autour du thème du "Rotkaeppchen"... Et ça donne ça:

Le petit Chaperon rouge fessé par le loup, on en a tous rêvé !
Images © Charline

2 commentaires:

crankyspanker a dit…


I just wanted to say thanks for adding a link for me. I hope to travel to France soon and am hoping to improve my French. That is why I have been adding some French to my comments. If you find that offensive or just annoying I will cut it out otherwise feel free to correct my use of language, I try to accept any help that I can get.


Stan/E. a dit…

Well, it's pleasant to add french words, but I prefer your maternal langage anyway. I can translate and will find the meaning of your own words as well.