13 avril 2011

USA: en LIVE à la fin du mois !

2316 - "Boardwalk Badness Weekend"

La fort plaisante Zelle (et il suffit de voir son sourire éclatant quand on la fesse...) a gentiment accepté de devenir notre œil, oreille et euh... cul (sic), à l'occasion d'une de ces "Conventions fessées" américaines à venir, organisée avec efficacité par le site Strictly Spanking Network et qui va se dérouler à Atlantic City d'ici quelques jours le week-end du 1er mai.

"Le Boardwalk Badness Weekend d'Atlantic City est la plus importante réunion de personnes branchées fessée aux États-Unis... 

Il y a un tas de choses amusantes à y faire, en excellente compagnie. 

Quelques-uns viennent en couple, mari et femme, mais on rencontrera des passionnés des deux sexes venant là parce qu'ils aiment donner et recevoir la fessée, sous toutes les formes. 

Just for fun ! Et je suis ravie d'être - à votre demande - "reporter du weekend" pour couvrir cet événement hors du commun !

Par contre, n'escomptez pas de photos, ce n'est pas autorisé, évidemment pour respecter l'anonymat des participants... Mais vous en aurez certainement quelques-unes de moi que je me ferai une joie de partager avec mes amis français..."

Le programme laisse rêveur, c'est foutrement bien organisé, on a la liste des festivités et des invités, ça se passe du vendredi 29 avril au dimanche 1er mai au soir. Le nom de l'hôtel n'est pas précisé tant qu'on n'est pas inscrit, discrétion oblige, mais cette ville est un peu le Vegas de la côte Est et donc on peut s'attendre à un standard très américain.

2 commentaires:

Zelle a dit…

Greetings from the USA! I'm currently in the state of Pennsylvania (PA) at the home of my birthplace. From central PA it is 5 hours east to Atlantic City, New Jersey.. where what is turning out to be the largest spanking "party" in the whole country!

The party officials of "Boardwalk Badness Weekend" have sent out some news! They tell us that "Spankos" from around the world that are attending, are so excited for the party to start on Friday evening on April 29th, that of all the registered people... 175 are checking in to the Chelsea Hotel on Thursday!

Many are attending from the UK, Ireland, and Canada. So I suppose you could actually say we're having an "International Spanko Party"!

These parties are not inexpensive. Many people that are into spanking, will take this time, AS THEIR VACATION.

It's a gGood thing I had 5 months to save for "my vacation"!

Since I was driving from south Florida to New Jersey.. gas to BBW for my rather large Chevy Avalanche truck is $300.. most people will be flying in, and will have the cost of a plane ticket.

My hotel suite (2 double beds, QUEEN size) is going to cost $660 as I'm staying Thursday night till checkout on Monday morning.

Since I am driving, I'll need to "valet" (park at the hotel) my vehicle, which costs $55 for the weekend.

There is one person, who looked into renting a group of us a 65' YACHT for a 3 hr tour around the harbor to view the city lights from the water - that is a bargain! The bus that will take us to the boat dock is $3, and then $3 to return. The ticket for the Yacht ride is $20. So, that's a $26 fun trip. OH YES, rest assured, the Captain and First mate are well aware of the crew that they are taking on this tour, so yes, ... there will be fun spanking happening on the yacht!

I figured, I'd take an extra $400 for new "toys/implements" I wished to purchase at the party, as well as any food outside of what they offered during the party that is included in the cost of your ticket.

The ticket to BBW $130..


And this has been your pre-party report from the USofA!! ♥

Stan/E. a dit…

Thanks a lot, dear Zelle, I'll translate as usual...

Waoh, it looks rather expensive, but it's not so usual, anyway... That's vey nice of you to give us here such precisions...