01 avril 2011

Réflexion fondamentale du soir !

2293 - "R-E-S-P-E-C-T ? Kaelah's corner"...

Très intéressant commentaire de Kaelah, utilisant le jugement sans concession lu dans un commentaire. Le gars y parle de ces innombrables fessées en vidéo délivrées à la chaîne par les producteurs de spanking movies et en grande partie simulées, il faut bien le reconnaître...

Bref, il n'y croit pas et souhaite voir plus de réalisme... Il n'a pas tort, parfois c'est juste risible tant c'est mou et illusoire. Mais à lire, on sent en filigrane le pervers dans la question, le sadique qui veut "du sang" comme on le criait jadis dans la cour de récré au moment d'une bagarre entre mômes...

"Commençons par une sélection de commentaires qui me procurent une sensation un peu inconfortable... Je me demande si les gens qui écrivent certains trucs font vraiment clairement la distinction entre fantasme développé dans un scénario ludique convenu et accepté par les deux dans le cadre d'un couple et le "réalisme" d'une fessée réalisée en live pour les besoins d'une séquence purement porno.

Mark explique ce qu'il attend, en abordant "l'intensité dans la fessée":

"Dans les vidéos, je préférerais de loin voir deux minutes d'une fessée qui serait réellement "inconfortable" pour la fille corrigée, que comme souvent 20 minutes en continu de correction mollassonne qui ne lui fait ni chaud ni froid... Ce serait bien plus intéressant qu'il lui flanque dix claques infiniment plus fortes, "hors de sa tolérance" plutôt que 300 sans jamais dépasser un tant soi peu ses limites et qu'elle supporte facilement en souriant, sans un cri..."

Ce qu'à l'air de vouloir dire Mark, enfin ce que je ressens en lisant, c'est que voir une fessée qui dure longtemps sans faire de mal à la fille pour de bon l'ennuie, parce que les réactions de la fessée lui semblent excessivement simulées. et donc fausses. Il préférerait sans doute le réalisme et l'authenticité d'une fessée brève et forte au cours de laquelle la femme éprouverait VRAIMENT de la douleur, avec des réactions totalement incontrôlées.

"Hors de sa zone de confort" (outside her comfort) et "elle peut supporter" (she can take) sont des mots qui pourraient être interprétés à tort... Certains (et ce n'est pas le cas de Mark qui souhaite lui de l'authenticité) vont même jusqu'à attendre de voir les filles dépasser leurs limites de gré ou de force, loin de ce qu'il a été convenu avant entre les deux protagonistes..." 

PS: Voilà. C'est un point de vue intéressant que Kaelah explique plus précisément dans les commentaires. Elle et Ludwig ont cru à me lire (mais l'anglais n'est notre langue maternelle à aucun des trois et peut parfois autoriser des contresens ou des approximations de traduction) que je faisais un contresens, et effectivement il y avait une ou deux tournures de phrases qui pouvait prêter à confusion. Je me sers de la réaction sur les fessées en vidéos pour provoquer une réaction en chaîne, une réflexion, pas pour les impliquer EUX, évidemment...

14 commentaires:

Kaelah a dit…

Hi Stan/E.! Thanks for translating an excerpt from my last post. I think you might have misunderstood the one or other thing in this case, though. That's why I would like to clarify a few points.

The comments I referred to in my post weren't about Ludwig's and my clip. Zille Defeu had asked her readers on her blog what they want from spanking porn. And a lot of people answered that question and told her about their favourite fantasies. Which is great! But when I read the comments I realised that some of them could easily be misinterpreted. Mark's comment was one of these comments. But I didn't take offense at any of these comments because it was usually quite clear that the people were merely talking about fantasies and that they didn't want any spanking model to do anything she doesn't want to do.

Mark for example surely meant that he doesn't like completely faked spankings. So, if taking a longer real spanking was too much for a model than he would prefer her to take ten real swats rather than 300 faked ones. And from my point of view that is an absolutely legitimate wish, especially because Mark doesn't tell others what to do, he just says what he would like to see on video. My only remark concerning Mark's comment was that the words which he used “10 spanks that are outside her comfort zone” could easily be misinterpreted as “10 spanks beyond her limits”.

The real reason why I wrote my post were some of Bill's comments. At first he suggested that the models should be made to cry in front of the camera with the help of onions which would make the tears flow “whether they like it or not”. Or that one could use newbie models who might cry more easily because of their nervousness and because they might not be prepared for how much the spanking hurts. These suggestions to my mind were disrespectful and immoral. Zille defended Bill with the argument that he is just a consumer and therefore doesn't have to worry about the production process and whether the models are treated in an ethical manner. I disagree with Zille and I am of the opinion that consumers should care about the ethical conditions under which the products (in this case spanking porn videos) which they buy have been produced.

Bill, by the way, modified his position later and made clear that he doesn't want anyone to be pushed beyond their limits. But in his opinion models who aren't willing to cry in front of a camera don't have enough dedication for their job and for the customers: “If crying on camera is too personal for her then what right does she have to be respected as an actress in spanking videos?” And to my mind that opinion is very disrespectful as well.

Sorry for the long comment, but I want to make sure that everybody understands that I didn't take any offense at Mark's comment.

Stan/E. a dit…

Thanks a lot, dear Kaelah, I'll translate as soon as possible your long answer, to be right. I finally understood some details by reading the explanation. I was not so far, anyway. But things have to be said.

I don't like fakes myself.

And last night I just looked at your sensational movie, with subtitles (even if I learned German long years ago at school and use to live my youth in the east of France, I forgot a lot...) and I really loved it again... Because it's sure no fake at all...

I'll be back for tranlation.

Kaelah a dit…

Thanks Stan/E.! :-)

I prefer real spankings and real reactions as well (I like restrained reactions, though), but first and foremost I want to be sure that the models are okay with the things they are doing (treatment by the producer, working conditions, storyline, level of nudity, level of severity, safety measures and so on). This is a very complicated topic and writing that post occupied my thoughts for about three days. I rewrote it several times to make sure that every word is clear and to make clear that I'm not against certain preferences concerning spanking videos. The only thing that is immoral from my point of view is not to respect a model's limits.

Stan/E. a dit…

I totally agree. It's of course a point of view I share. And your title R E S P E C T seems really the good one.

Three days ? Waoh.

Ludwig a dit…

Merci de nous parler, Stan / E., mais comme Kaelah a déjà expliqué, vous avez totalement mal compris le contenu et la finalité de son poste. Le point principal de son poste a été vraiment une question de respect pour les modèles de la fessée, et sur ​​la façon dont les limites des modèles de la fessée doivent être respectés lors de la création d'une vidéo.

Depuis votre représentation de notre post est vraiment très trompeuse et donne aux lecteurs une idée fausse, je serais reconnaissant si vous pouviez le modifier?

Erik A. a dit…

I'll of course rewrite some détails, dear Ludwig, but it's not exactly what you understood here, the feeling about models, fakes and reality is just a pretext to help readers to give their personal visions then, not YOUR story. And I have perfectly understood that no one spoke on your nice movie...

Dont worry...

Kaelah a dit…

@ Stan/E.:
Sorry, but I think you've still got some points wrong. I DON'T think that Mark's phrases "out of her comfort zone" and "than she can take" are derogatory. His comment is just an example of a comment that isn't offending at all but merely used some words that COULD easily be misinterpreted if being taken out of context. And Mark wasn't the one who wanted tears and uncontrolled reactions, either, he just wanted spankings which aren't completely faked!

The comments that were derogatory from my point of view were the comments from a completely different commenter named Bill!

Stan/E. a dit…

It seems that i need also 3 days to rewrite, dear Kaelah...lol. Sorry for those misunderstandings I tried to rectify. Hope you'll see the differences, you know I surely won't be rude to anyone, especially you and L, of course.

Sometiemes it's hard to translate...

Kaelah a dit…

@ Stan/E.:
Thank you for your effort and sorry for causing so much trouble! But this is a post that is very important to me and could easily be misunderstood, that's why I want to make sure that no one gets a wrong impression.

Not only did I need three days to write that post, all the thoughts that went along with it have occupied my mind since I started writing that post and and it has been nearly impossible for me to focus on anything else, and I even lost weight because I wasn't feeling too well. I hope that I will soon be able to focus on more light-hearted posts again, though. But there are more of these complicated topics on my mind, so it might take me a while before I will come to rest.

Stan/E. a dit…

Well, Kaelah, this is my fault: remember english is not our maternal langage, so many mistakes or potential misunderstandings can always happen... I try to translate as close as possible what my english friends are saying in their blogs or sites. Sometimes I'm quite good, sometimes I must admit some errors.

I knew this post was an important one for you... But I use part of it, just to favorize other reactions on this very interesting subject...

PF a dit…

mmm, well, well, let's go and see the original, then the translation.

I'll be back !

Erik A. a dit…

Clairement, je ne cherche pas ici à faire une traduction littérale et fidèle du post de Kaelah, mais au contraire à retenir le thème soulevé, qui me semble intéressant, sur les vidéos, à savoir "truquées" ou pas.

Plus que la sémantique et les mots qu'on pourra lire chez eux, sur le blog de Ludwig, le fait que certains veuillent voir des fessées "extrêmes" est une tendance qui existe et a ses partisans.

La réflexion devrait s'exercer à partir de cet axiome, je crois.

Ellie C. a dit…

Peut être - et même surement... Qu'est ce qui n'existe pas comme goût ? - certains aiment pratiquer la fessée extrême... Je suis sure, par contre, de ne pas aimer regarder de fessées extrêmes. Je le sais parce que j'ai essayé... :(

Stan/E. a dit…

Ellie: je ne suis pas un extrémiste. et je n'aime pas trop la contrainte réelle. Mes limites sont là...